
Result of the project "Quantum of Happiness"

Par LIONEL MARQUET, publié le lundi 23 mai 2022 15:31 - Mis à jour le samedi 11 juin 2022 09:09

Ce projet a obtenu le Label qualité, décerné par le bureau français Etwinning!

What is it?

The students who study math as a "DNL" in 2nde took part to an international project called "Quantum of Happiness".

You may have read an article about it in the school's paper, or even may have taken part to the project just before Easter.

The partners were other classes in Croatia, Moldova, Romania, Poland and Turkey.

We wrote a statistical survey to investigate how happy students were in our schools, then we analysed the results:

200 students from our school answered to our questions, then we gave the data to our partner in Moldova for analysis.

We analysed the data from our partner in Croatia.

Here are the results for our school, and our production for our Croatian partner.










il you want to knwo more about our project, you are welcome to visit the public part of our twinspace: